I will be taking a short break over Easter from 18th – 28th April.

I will be unavailable for quotes or transport during this time


Thank you so much

Thank you so much for having been such a calming and reassuring \"service provider\". Not everyone would put such an effort in...

They arrived safely

Thank you and everyone else involved with the shipping of Fox and Bells to Newman WA. They arrived safely. This is just a quick thank you. Vicky and I will write a recommendation email and a Google review once we are settled.

Bayley has arrived all safe and well in the UK

Just a quick one to say thank you again. Bayley has arrived all safe and well in the UK. She was back chasing birds within hours which was a relief to see. Appreciate you making a stressful situation as straight forward as it could be.

George & Luna arrived safe & happy in Perth

George & Luna arrived safe & happy in Perth. They have settled in very quickly. Thank you for making the move stress free for them.

You are super kind and approachable with professional services

Thank you so much Michelle. You are super kind and approachable with professional services. Really appreciate your help!

You provided the personal, caring touch which is what I was looking for.

You provided the personal, caring touch which is what I was looking for. It was important to me the process be as smooth and easy for them as possible and that they received the TLC that pets need so thank you from them as well.

Really appreciate you taking such wonderful care of Snowy

Thank you so much Michelle, that’s great news. Really appreciate you taking such wonderful care of Snowy and for all your efficiency with the procedures in getting her to Europe, I had no idea there was so much involved!

Thank you so much for arranging everything so nicely.

I just wanted to give you an update about Loki and her flight. I think she had a good flight (as far as flight can be good for cats...). She is doing well, just ate some biscuits, happy to be petted, and now lying down in her crate again while travelling onwards to Belgium. Thank you so much for arranging everything so nicely. I was a bit anxious about all of it, especially the duration of the flight, how she would be handled along the way, and the accompanying stress that might put on her, but all seems fine, and I am so relieved!

Chippie and Spottie had travelled really well to Australia

Chippie and Spottie had travelled really well to Australia and are settling in well with the other dogs at my son’s place where we will stay until we buy a house. I want to thank you kindly for your excellent professional service and will definitely recommend you in the future to anyone who want to send their animals overseas.

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for getting our girl to Brisbane.

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for getting our girl to Brisbane. She is happily settling into our new home and the kids and I can\'t wait to join her next weekend. Thank you again for your care and always keeping in touch through every process. Will definitely recommend your services!

A really big THANK YOU for doing such a great job bringing Kaka over to Sydney to us

Thank you Michelle for the awesome and commendable service. A really big THANK YOU for doing such a great job bringing Kaka over to Sydney to us..

It gives me great peace of mind

Thank you so much Michelle. I know it’s your job, but it gives me great peace of mind to know things are handled well for the well-being and safety of Mrs Grey.

You have given us great comfort in every step of this process

Thank you so much for getting back to us so promptly. It was great to hear how she seemed calm, Tish is indeed a seasoned traveller.

You have given us great comfort in every step of this process. We\'ve posted a review on your site, we hope this helps you get the business you deserve.

Thanks for taking such good care of our Walter

Thank you so much for the update Michelle, and for making this process a million times easier than any other time we’ve relocated him. So appreciate all your work and effort. Do you have a Facebook or website that we can write a review for? Thanks for taking such good care of our Walter.

Diesel arrived on time, safe and sound in Brisbane

Diesel arrived on time, safe and sound in Brisbane and he was so excited to see us and us him. Back to being a family again! Thank you again for your great and caring services. We won\'t hesitate to recommend you.